The U.S. Government had decided that the images were
merely "Photographic Anomalies" and not of a man-made
source. However, Larry Burroughs (a retired AF Colonel who was
once the director of the National Photographic Interpretation
Center) believes otherwise; Colonel Burroughs had been hired by the
Senate select committee in 1992 to review images from the region.
According to another U.S. News & World Report (Jan 17, 1994
v116 n2 p49(3), "Burroughs reported seeing 10 sets of numbers
and letters that he deemed worthy of more examination. Near the USA,
for instance, he made out the name of another downed pilot. When
Burroughs examined photographs of The 'GX' are distress letters, and the '2527' is the secret four-digit number belonging to Air Force Colonel Peter Matthes, who has been missing-in-action since 1969. If the U.S. Government can say, without a doubt, that there is no reason to believe that U.S. Servicemen are being held against their will in Southeast Asia -- than why are our satellites trained down in areas such as the prison camps? Not all of them can be suspected as areas where illegal substances (narcotics, drugs, etc...) are being cultivated! For more information about Colonel Peter Matthes, please visit his brother's website at http://www.geocities.com/Pentagon/2527/.