I am truly honored to receive such wonderful and
meaningful awards, such as those displayed below. The Patriot's
Inn wishes to dedicate them to all of the POW/MIAs for which the United
States has yet to accounted for -- from all wars since past. My only wish
is for those who's names appear on remembrance and dedication pages across
the entire web will one day be able to lay there eyes on sites such as
Operation Just Cause and The POW/MIA Web-Ring. Only than will they know that
they are truly not forgotten (not by there fellow American Citizens anyway).
From this moment on, lets work
together to ensure that one day this page, and one's just like it, are taken
down. Better yet, let's work to change them from remembrance pages to
celebration pages.
The Count-Down begins,
and the clock ticks away....
Graciously accepted on February 28, 2003
Received and accepted on January 17, 2003

Honorably received on behalf of all of
Pennsylvania's Heroes
on this day, March 28, 2001
Military.com -- "The Trusted Online Home For
America's Military Community"

Proud recipient of Military Worlds
"Top Honors" Award
Received on January 1, 2001
Military World
is a premier website/portal dedicated to providing information and
to the military, retiree, and veteran communities.

TPI is honored to be
the recipient of Old
Glory Traditions Website of the Week Award
for the week of December 24 - December 30, 2000.
This honor received
in the name of Pennsylvania's POW/MIAs
on August 27, 2000.
Grunt: The Ultimate Military Site

This special award
was received by me on June 24, 2000. It means quite a lot to
me. Please click on the award to read about a TRUE HERO!

Thanks Higgy

Thanks LadyJen

Thanks John P.

Thanks Larry J.

Thanks Syop

Thanks Rosebud

Thanks Joimac

Thanks Puff

Thanks Beverly

Thanks Geocities
(When the site
was hosted at Geocities)