About Us Hi! I'm Mike Blades and
I thank you for visiting my website and taking an interest
in our POW/MIAs.

If you came here by
search engine, you probably were expecting a website called "The Patriot's Inn." Don't fret 'cause your
in the right place; I just changed the name. I'll have
the same content!

I'm not an ex-prisoner of
war nor am I a family member of one who is a prisoner of war
or is missing in action. I'm merely a citizen of the
United States, and a Veteran of the United States Air Force,
who believes that a great
in-justice has been handed down to those men and women [and their
families] who have been unaccounted for and abandoned by our
Politicians and our Government. However, do not
misjudge me as I am fiercely patriotic and I do love my country
dearly. Want
to get in touch with me?
mikeblades@embarqmail.com |